- Resources for managing users
- Adding and removing agents from groups
- Preventing agents from starting and replying to side conversations
- Accessing and using the People page
- Changing an agent's role and status
- Resetting user passwords
- Deleting users
- Bulk importing organizations
- Removing or replacing an agent
- Enabling multiple organizations for users
- Adding custom fields to organizations
- Adding custom fields to users
- Assuming end-users
- Understanding and setting light agent permissions
- Creating custom roles and assigning agents
- Adding an agent alias
- Adding tags to users and organizations
- Bulk importing users
- Adding agents and admins
- Creating, managing, and using organizations
- Creating, managing, and using groups
- Understanding Zendesk Support user roles
- About organizations and groups
- Personalize your communication with User and Organization Fields
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- สอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม ราคา Zendesk พร้อมโปรโมชันพิเศษ โทร. 02 030 0066
- Facebook Page : @demeterict
- support@dmit.co.th
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